Designed for the YSL Makeup Artist Program 2020/ Name: Bold - Picasso
My Philosophy
My philosophy is simple: the beauty of things lies in their simplicity.
Philosophy literally means "love of truth” and it describes everyones very own view of things. My philosophy is simple: the beauty of things lies in their simplicity. Concretely related to my profession this means: No matter how artistic or extraordinary a make-up is, it should show the person underneath to its best advantage. Because this person is already beautiful. Not the make-up makes him or her special, it only underlines what is already there anyway.
When we look at make-up and make-up artists today - their work, not their face ;)- we have to look at it on two levels: One, we have the artist. For him/her, the most important thing is the beauty of the work. Every make-up artist and stylist will try to make their work as effective and wonderful as possible. That is why filters and photoshop programs are used in so many ways. The human being shall be represented here in perfection. Underneath, however, lies the second level: the craft. As craftsmen we want to show our sophistication in dealing with the material. And here (this is how I feel) we do not do ourselves any favors with all the programs.
I use almost no tools to change my photos or videos with regard to the people I show make-up on. What you see is what you get. I see no flaw in the fact that people are not perfect. I don't see anything wrong with aging, wrinkles, or not all of us conforming to the common ideal of beauty.
To sum it all up: I want to get the best out of you. I want you to look in the mirror and feel beautiful and comfortable all around. Without filters, without photoshop, just the way you are.
I look forward to seeing you.